Recommended Books

happiness trap.jpg

The Happiness Trap: How to Stop Struggling and Start Living: A Guide to ACT (Acceptance & Commitment therapy)

by Russ Harris

burnout: the secret to unlocking the stress cycle

by Emily Nagoski, PhD & Amelia Nagoski, DMA

the mindful self-compassion workbook: A proven way to accept yourself, build inner strength, and thrive

by Kristin Neff, PhD & Christopher Gerner, PhD

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let go of Who You THink You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace who you are

by Brene Brown

Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

by Brene Brown

Rising Strong: How the Ability to Reset Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

by Brene Brown

Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone

by Brene Brown

Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy

by Sheryl Sandberg & Adam Grant

Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain

by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D.

No Weigh!! A Teen’s Guide to Positive Body Image, Food, and Emotional Wisdom

by Signe Darpinian, Wendy Sterling, & Shelley Aggarwal

Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program That Works

by Evelyn Tribole, MS, RD & Elyse Resch, MS, RD, FADA, CEDRD

Start Why Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action

by Simon Sinek

Everybody Always: Becoming Love in a World Full of Setbacks and Difficult People

by Bob Goff

The Therapist’s Workbook: Self-Assessment, Self-Care, and Self Improvement Exercises for Mental Health Professionals

by Jeffrey A. Kottler

The Body Keeps The Score: Brain, Mind and Body in the Healing of Trauma

by Bessel Van Der Kolk, M.D.

Articles Worth Reading